Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bedtime Doodles...

Hey all,

Just wanted to upload an image here from my sketchbook titled, "Bedtime Doodles"
From the title you can guess that these sketches that I'm doing in this sketchbook are done in bed...before I go to sleep. I figure it's a cool thing to do before going to sleepy land.
This sketch is done in straight mechanical pencils....sizes .3 and .7 . Then I scanned into my computer and added a bit of color tone by using Sketchbook Pro. Let me know what you all think? Well, I'm almost packed...so I'll be heading out to San Francisco late Wednesday morning. I catch anyone there that happens to make it.


Monday, March 28, 2011

WonderCon 2011...will you be there?

Hello all, just wanted to let some of you know..the ones heading to San Francisco this weekend for Wonder Con. I'll be there hanging out at two places....the Minefield Wonderland booth #SP-59 and at the EssentialSequential booth #1338-1340.

My buddies Tony, Josh, Alison and myself will be at the Minefield booth while....Eric, Jason, Jon and myself plus other talented dudes as well at the EssentialSequential booth.
Looking forward in seeing some of you there...whom happen to be going. It should be fun.
I'll simply will be promoting some of my work plus other artists' work as well. I think about doing some simple $20 sketches....between both booths. I would be open in doing commissions...just contact Jason at EssentialSequential for further info or simply stop by the booth. Take care...catch you all later.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Playing with Sketchbook Pro 2011

I got a upgrade copy of Sketchbook Pro 2011 for my birthday...so I installed it and started playing with it. Granted I have been using Sketchbook Pro for a few years now...but with 2011...the interface changed a bit...so I started playing with it. So far so good....no real big changes to the overall program....but the pencil tool is really darn cool.
With this image below...I did it all using the airbrush tool. Feels good using it. Let me know what you think? I totally recommend to anyone out there to grab a copy of Sketchbook Pro for their digital sketching needs. I'll catch you all later. :)


My students' final work...

Hey all, how are you all doing? It's been a week and a half since I did the final class of the term for my Character Design class. Below are samples of few of my students' final images. I'm still waiting for more to send me their work....but I'm not gonna hold my breath. :P
Overall, it was a good class...but I have to be honest in stating that this was a downer term...it seemed that some of these students weren't giving their 100% to this both assignments. I can't force them to do their work...it's really how much work they really want to put into this class. If one wants to be lazy...I have no problem in flunking someone....and I have in the past. I'm really easy going in terms in teaching my class but I can not tolerate laziness...it's a totally uncool. I don't stand for it. I'm not going to past you just because you're cool with me. No one flunk the class this past term...but their was laziness. I can go on with other things but I should stop it and move on. Let see how far some of these kids will go after they leave school....IF they graduate?

So now below...please enjoy what the kids cooked up for the finals. Not bad I must say.
I'll catch you all later.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Barf Bag doodle

Hey all, wanted to upload this image of a Virgin Airline's barf bag that I drew a sketch of my character Delgado from Backspace. You can almost use any type of paper product as a canvas for your doodles and ideas....heh.

Just found out today that my classes that I'm teaching for next term at Gnomon are SOLD OUT?! I'm thinking, "really?"
That's nuts. Here's a link, http://courses.gnomonschool.com/courses/course/character_design
One can still go on a waiting list. I am double checking to make sure this is true?
I had 18 students sign up for my class last term...but there's no way...
there is a 12 student limit on each class. I would add more...but it would make it really hard to do the one on one with each student each week if it was more than 12. To be honest doing 12 is really tough for me. I want to give each student equal attention, it's only fair. The second class was added this term on Sunday to ease the number of students that want to take the class.
Ok...time for me to go.

I'll catch you all later. Have a great weekend.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Some more sketches...

Hey all, wanted to quickly upload a sketch I did last night in class. It's a quick sketch for the Child and Bug project.

Let me know what you all think?

Catch you all later.


Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Cartoon Art Museum

Hey all,

I was in San Francisco last week for GDC. It was a very cool event...also my first time there. Walked around the floor and did a few panels.

I also got a chance to walk around the city as well...hit up some shops and museums. One of the museums that I visited was the Cartoon Art Museum It wasn't a big place in terms of square footage...but there was plenty to see. I was totally inspired! God, I totally need to push my skills further. Well, here's a pix I took of Mighty Mouse in front of the museum...when anyone of you happen to be strolling in San Francisco...you should make some time and head over to the Cartoon Art Museum.

Also next week will be the last week of the term, so I'm looking forward in seeing the students' finals. Will be ordering some pizza and drinks for them as well....make a party of it. :P

Hopefully, I'll upload some doodles soon...just have a bit on my plate so I need to knock some stuff out. Catch you all later.
