Hey all,
How's things coming along with all of you? Hopefully well.
I wanted to uploaded a step by step doodle I did as a demo
for my students. I actually did an inking demo last night...
(the figure on the far right)
I used a size '0' watercolor sable brush with India Ink on
300 bristol board. Let me know what you all think? Just
wanted to keep it nice and loose.
Foe next week would like to color the inked images plus do
a final pose plus a nice action scene with the character.
Hopefully get that all done for them but the next two week.
Got some stuff on my plate that I nee to crank out as well.
So doing the balance of doing freelance work to my personal
work to class work and getting new work is really a challenge.
Well, I'll catch you all later then.
Take care,